Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Month 7 {scoots, kicks, and finger foods}

We have an active one! Miles went from being 18lbs 4oz (65%) and 27.5 inches long (85%) to now 18lbs 2oz (which may be because of the multiple diapers he has gone through today :)). This month has been full of new firsts. It is awesome to watch the expression on Miles's face when he discovers something new. Now sometimes that something is a neft dart that he spots across the room and won't stop moving till he gets it. Or meeting a cat for the first time (which he loved however his stuffy nose didn't). This month was full of new things and new memories. Can't believe he is already 7 months. 

Side note: I'm pretty sure we discovered that Miles is going to play soccer. Kid seriously has some skills. 

- He started scooting around the room on Oct. 7th and hasn't stopped moving since.
- He loves to kick soccer and footballs. He has already surpassed me (Angela) in skill level.
- He went to his first Greek Festival
- He started eating puffs and drinking juice 
- He thinking high pitched noises are funny
- He likes to escape when you try to change his diaper or clothes
- He started to reach for people 
- He got his first stuffy nose from his flu shot
- He likes to pull off my glasses every chance he gets
- He would live outside if we let him
- He tries to turn the pages in the books
- He sits in his stroller without his car seat



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