Sunday, December 15, 2013

Month 9 {mama!, standing, singing}

9 wonderful, crazy, exhausting, life changing months. Our Miles is starting to act and even look like a little boy rather than a baby. It is so fun to watch him grow and learn. He is starting to use problem solving skills which is making me worried for what we are store for in the future! He is a smart little cookie. He went from weighing 19lbs 4oz to (well we will find out officially on Thursday at his 9 month check up).

This past month was a lot of fun! We celebrated Thanksgiving with Stuart's side of the family. Every year they stand in a big circle and mention what they are thankful for. This year I was so overwhelmed with blessings. From our sweet Miles to the community that love us daily. However, Miles didn't understand the concept of listening to others and decided he wanted to sing while everyone was saying their blessings :) The joys of having a child! Miles LOVED the Thanksgiving food and being passed around by all of the family members.

Also this month, Stuart's family sold their house and moved into a new one, I accepted a position to be the new Children's Minister at Lake Pointe- Richland, Miles has been Christmas shopping then any boy would like to, we went to Miles's friend Jax's first birthday party, went to a Christmas party, and we played in our first snow/ ice of the year!

-Started saying "mama" on 12.3.13!
-Crawled on his knees and arms for the first extended time on 12.3.13
-He had his first hair cut from his Aunt Barbara on 11.29.13
-Really loves meat
-Clapped for the first time on 11.21.13
-Waved goodbye on 11.24.13
-Started saying "ba ba" for ball
-Got his third tooth December 6th
-Plays peek-a-boo
-Learning to share his food and toys when you say, "Can I have some?"
-Totally digs the ladies. He smiles at pictures of baby girls and gets giddy when I show him videos of girls. (There is a video proving it).
-Started standing up in his bed on 11.30.13
-Met Santa- he was not a fan
-Started using his walker to get around and into things (ex: grabbing at Christmas ornaments}
-Can stand on his own for a few seconds
-We mailed out our first Christmas card of a family of 3
-He loves singing
-He likes to try to eat the dog food
-He can walk with just holding on to someone's finger
-Lifts up his arms when we say, "Stick em up!"
-Likes to copy us
-He walks along the furniture
-Currently wears 12 month clothes
-Loves the bye bye buggy at church
-Doesn't like wearing his shoes



Thursday, November 14, 2013

Month 8 {High five, pulling up, 2 teeth, meat}

Miles went from 18.4lbs to now 19lbs 4oz. Miles is starting to become a little man. A little independent man. It is strange to think that he is already 8 months old. This month he has proved to us that it won't be long until he is on the move. I feel so unprepared. From pulling up, to army crawls, to standing for a few seconds on his own. We had a blast this month welcoming in the new fall weather and making more memories with our baby boy. Here are a few things we did...

We had a busy month. We had a few playdates with friends which is always fun! Miles dressed up as a dinosaur for Lake Pointe's Fall Festival. The day after Fall Festival we had our family pictures in Belton with Jade Pierce. She is way cool and I am oh so (im)patiently waiting to see the pictures! The same day, we went to a pumpkin patch and Miles picked out a pumpkin. He loved looking at all the different types. The end of October we celebrated Stuart's (or Daddy to Miles) birthday. After Stuart's birthday, his mom took Miles home with her for a few days. He had a blast hanging out with family! I'm so glad they had some quality time together. We met up with him a few days later and spent the weekend with family and hosting my friend Stephanie's baby shower. 

Miles continues to show us that he knows no limits. It is funny how the human mind tends to doubts our own abilities. We think of all the ways something may fail. Miles doesn't do that. Most people would say, "I bet it is tough to pull up on things using only one hand." Miles instead says, "Nah- I got it. No prob." We sure do have a special one. Kind of a flirt, but a special one none the less :) Also, I love the community we have. Each week we are sent encouragement from friends and family. Whether it is a kind word or a story of other defeating the odds to prove society wrong. Proving once again that we truly are "fearfully and wonderfully made".

- He started pulling up on things and hasn't stopped! He pulled himself all the way up for the first time on Nov. 7.
- Shakes his head no- even though I don't think he knows what it means yet.
- He mumbles and hums. Especially if you are humming to him he tries to hum along. 
- Has perfected picking things up with his fingers (ex: his puffs)
- Started eating pouches with meat in them and tried sliced turkey today.
- He now gives high fives.
- He has started scrunching his nose up when he smiles. He thinks it is funny. 
- He got his first two teeth in the same day- Oct. 29.
- He got sick for the first time. He had a fever virus for 4 days. We are lucky to have had a healthy boy for so long! 
- He went to a pumpkin patch and picked out his first pumpkin!
- We had our first family pictures as a family of 3.
- He was a dinosaur for Halloween.
- Is starting to get better at picking up balls and throwing them.
- He tends to like things that are green.
- Currently likes the book "Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you See?"
- Started eating in his high chair.
- Likes to wear his blue sweater cause it has a yummy button to chew on it. 
- He needs a haircut.  

