Monday, September 16, 2013

Month 6 {his name, sitting, & mmm}

How has it been half of a year? Each day we love him more and smile more because of him. Miles went from being 17lbs 2oz to 17lbs 6oz (we will get the official numbers on Thursday at his 6th month check-up. This month he has started to show his personality more than ever. August 31st last year is when we announced to the world that we were becoming a family of three. It is hard to believe how much has changed in a year. This month has been filled with family outings, a weekend getaway for Stuart and I, Miles's Aunt B and Uncle Joe moving back to Texas, celebrating his great-grandpa's 80th birthday and play dates!

Mommy confession- Miles continues to amaze me. When he was first born I was worried about so much. Will I be a good mom? Will I know how to teach him what is important in life? And I even thought simple things like how would he crawl? Miles continue to stop me in my tracks with his ability to amaze me. I hope I continue to take the time to learn from my son. He has a joy that is infectious. 

-He is a self sitter! He loves sitting up "like a man". 
-He seriously loves food. The whole time he eats he says, "mmmmm!"
-He thinks the sound of a bat swinging is HILARIOUS. 
-He thinks it is funny to pull his dad's facial hair. 
-He now knows his name.
-He is learning to give big slobbery kisses.
-He watches everything his cousin Simeon does.  
-He likes to burrow his head into pillows like his daddy.
-He loves his family.
-He is trying to scoot on the floor. 
-His favorite book is "Pete the Cat and his white shoes". If you don't have it, get it. 
-Each night we say a prayer for Miles's "brother" we support in Haiti. Hopefully this is the first of many we can love on around the world. 

